I so appreciate the reactions I received while meeting wonderful and engaging tour and workshop participants and also during the many exhibitions I have held over the years
​Here is some of the feedback:

Linda Blincko (2024)
​(Satellite2 Gallery, Devonport)
You’ve entered into such a different world of photographic work, Robert
As well as your own amazing visual experiences you’re providing the viewer with a new encounter of a landscape, landform or object unnoticed or perhaps previously taken for granted. Brilliant!!

Norma Flint (2024)
Just love what you’re doing Robert! Your website is great and the photos you have up there are truly beautiful.

As for your Instagram page, that’s equally terrific. I look forward to following you on Instagram and seeing more of your creations.

Chris Kane
Fantastic Work - you make something that is quite plain to the normal eye, dance in its still form...look forward to seeing more works

Rainer Lehr
Robert seems to know every window and reflection in Auckland and shares his experience happily.
The tour still leaves you enough space to experience your own creativity

Wendy Roche
Thank you for the inspiration and discovery that you encouraged in me during your workshop at Muriwai Beach! I had a wonderful time and would come back and do it all again any day.
I hope that one day you will do a follow up workshop for those of us who attended this one!
You were a great teacher and I loved the gentle way you taught, giving everyone constructive and yet very encouraging feed back

Elizabeth Mather
Thanks for a wonderful photographic experience. You were a fabulous tutor. It was a great weekend and a stimulating bunch of people

I thoroughly enjoyed your enthusiasm and knowledge. I greatly admire your work. Thanks so much

Brian Eastwood
I have always approached photography as a technical exercise, but this weekend I listened to what you had to say about getting in touch with my feelings and transferring or translating that emotion to my photography.
Your latest Impressionism convert

Steve Harper
Thank you, Robert, for providing a very well organised and planned tour of some great photographic highlights in Auckland City Centre. Your guidance and observations are inspiring and encouraging